Congratulations to 2022 Award Winners!

Congratulations to the winners of our annual award competitions!

Dahlberg Paper Competition

The Albert A. Dahlberg Prize is awarded annually to the best student paper submitted to the Dental Anthropology Association (DAA). Dr. Dahlberg was a professor at the University of Chicago, one of the founders of the International Dental Morphology Symposia, and among the first modern researchers to describe variations in dental morphology and to write cogently about these variations, their origins and importance. The prize endowed from the Albert A. Dahlberg Fund established through generous gifts by Mrs. Thelma Dahlberg and other members from the Association. 

This year we were pleased to have two winners!

  • Sayf Muhammad Alaydrus for his paper “The Impact of Chewing Betel Net on Human Dentition in Indonesia”

  • Hannah Cantrell for her paper “The Root of the Problem: Dental Health Disparities in New Mexico”

C.G. Turner II/Cambridge University Press Poster Competition

Every year, the Dental Anthropology Association aims to support student research. This competition is designed to recognize outstanding student posters in the realm of dental anthropology. Awards book credit, provided by Cambridge University Press (with special thanks to Nick Glover).

Our 2022 winners are (in alphabetical order):

  • Dori E. Kenessey (prizewinner) with co-authors Leah E. Auchter, Marin A. Pilloud, “Identifying candidate SNPs shaping dental morphological trait expression”

  • Tisa N. Loewen (prizewinner) with co-author G. Richard Scott, “Pictures?! Comparing observer error for dental morphology from direct observations and photographs using ASUDAS”

  • Diana Malarchik (prizewinner) and co-authors Jelmer W. Eerkens, Austin Cole, and Tom Ostrander, “Examining Heavy Metal Exposure in Two Historic San Francisco Cemeteries